1. 所有订金或学费不能退换或转让。
2. 学生若半途辍学,也必须确定学费必需付完,而且之前所付之学费也不能退还。
3. 完成课程后,学生必需通过学院的考试及完成课业,方可获颁毕业文凭。
4. 所有的政府考试费如SKM是不包括在以上的学费里,除非你所签的配套有详细说明考试费包含在内。
5. 所有的课程必须在限定的期限内完成。若学生不能在限定期限内完成课程,院方保留权力追讨额外收费或终止你的课程。
6. 所有予上课期间或院方安排之活动中所摄取的照片及影片将属学院(Sense & Style (M) Sdn Bhd)版权所有。学院保留所有出版、冲洗及展示照片供刊登或促销用途的权利。
7. 产品及用具西马半岛免邮费,西马半岛以外的地区邮费自付。
8. 学生必需根据以上的线上上课时间上课,请准时进入线上课堂。老师会等5分钟,迟到学生老师有权不重复之前的部分等的避免影响其他上课的同学们。
9. 本学院保留权力随时更改课程的内容与教材。
10. 产品图像仅用于说明目的,可能与实际产品有所不同。
1. All fees paid are not refundable nor transferrable. In case of drop out before end of the course, you are required to pay the entire course fee.
2. You are required to go thru in-house test in order to receive certificate from Sense & Style (M) Sdn Bhd.
3. Government Examination Fees (SKM) and Graduation Ceremony Fees are not included in the above course fee, unless stated otherwise.
4. All courses must be completed at the stipulated time, otherwise the company reserves the right to charge additional fees or terminate your course.
5. All photos and videos taken in the school and/or during events are the properties of Sense & Style (M) Sdn Bhd.
6. Some products, tools and accessories will be provided to student according to the package and offer you enrolled. You may need to purchase additional products, tools and accessories for your own use.
7. Free shipping to West Malaysia ONLY, other area there may be an additional delivery charge.
8. Students must attend class according to the above online class date and please enter the online class on time. The teacher will wait 5 minutes. For students who are late teacher will have the right not to repeat the previous part to avoid affecting other students in the class.
9. Sense & Style reserves the right to change the content and teaching materials of the course at any time.
10. Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.